step closer to sailing


This is the day I am buying tickets for me and 3 guys who will help me sail "Dora the Explorer" to Riga. I am excited but also a little bit scared (as it should be) starting a new chapter in one's life. 

The plan is sail from Stockholm to Riga, it should take around 4 days but it cannot be known due to the fact is sailing and one can never predict exact time on sea and wind. 

"Time is the longest distance between two places."

                     ― Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie 

After the first meeting with the boat I have come a long way: I started captain's courses to become a skipper, I received a scholarship to participate in Tall Ship races 2019 from Bergen to Aarhaus, I have read close to thousand articles and information booklets about sailing and went to two different boat shows to buy necessary things for boat. 

This has been an adventure so far, although it has been only preparations. Looking forward to actual sailing– feeling the waves, wind in face and seeing a sunset and sunrise by the horizon.

© 2018 sailing latvian
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